Spring Self-Care Tips

Self-care is something we should focus on year-round, but self-care in the spring is unparalleled. Spring is a time of growth and renewal, which makes it the perfect time to start to care for yourself. And what better way to welcome the warmer weather and brighter sunshine than to renew your self-care needs.

Here are some of my favourite spring self-care tips that will leave you feeling energized and rejuvenated.

Clean And Declutter

Spring is an excellent time of year to clean your space and declutter. You might want to think about sorting through your closets, storage space, and junk drawers to declutter the items you can live without.

You can toss the old cosmetics and skincare in your makeup bag, throw out expired foods from your fridge, freezer, and pantry, and donate clothes and accessories you haven’t worn in over a year. Also, clear your desk space and filing cabinets of unnecessary documents and office tools you no longer need.

While you’re at it, take a natural cleaner and wipe down shelves, cabinet doors, and handles. If you’re up for it, wipe clean your windows and let some gorgeous sunlight in! Don’t forget those overlooked areas that don’t get done when you usually clean.

Having clean and decluttered spaces around you can leave you feeling calmer, less stressed, more creative, and feeling brand new.

Renew Your Diet

Spring is when many more fruits and vegetables start coming into season, making it an ideal time to make a conscious effort to eat more fresh and seasonal foods. Doing so will bring you energy and give you a boost of nutrients for your body.

Local farmer’s markets are the place to go to find the freshest varieties. Even if you don’t have any near you, most grocery stores carry plenty of organic options to choose from. Pick some up and add more healthy food to your diet.

Put away the heavy comfort food and hearty soup recipes and instead try some spring recipes like garden salads made with seasonal vegetables, lean meats on the grill, and fruit salads.

Get Outside

As pleasant weather arrives, it’s time to head outside! There’s nothing like getting out into the fresh air and sunshine to lift your spirits. Feeling a springtime breeze and the sun’s warmth on your skin can be so invigorating.

Hit the trails and go on a hike, take a nature walk, or go for a scenic bike ride. You don’t have to go far to enjoy the outdoors. Garden in your yard or walk around your neighbourhood. Better yet, grab a friend or neighbour to take a stroll with you.

Pay attention to the signs of spring all around you. Smell the flowers, listen to the birds chirping, and breathe in the fresh springtime air.

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Drink More Water

If you wake up in the morning with a dry throat and parched mouth, you’re likely dehydrated. Dehydration can cause dry skin, dizziness, headaches, and fatigue. It’s a good idea to remember to drink plenty of water, especially in the spring as the weather gets warmer and you start to sweat more.

Start your day off with a full glass of water to re-hydrate. If cold water in the morning isn’t to your liking, fill a reusable water bottle the night before and have it ready for you at your bedside or on the kitchen counter.

Drink it before or in place of your morning coffee. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, try infusing it with citrus or fruits for an added boost of flavor and vitamins.

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Remembering to drink enough water throughout the day isn’t always easy, so it helps to track how much you’ve had. You could use the reminder function or an app on your phone to track your water intake. Some people like to fill their water bottle at certain times of the day to meet their quota.

A common recommendation is to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water. Give it a try and observe how your energy and mood changes. I definitely feel better when I do this regularly!

Incorporate Self-Care In Your Life This Spring

Live life to the fullest this spring by incorporating self-care into your life. You can start with these tips, but feel free to add your own, too! Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Comment below and tell me about your favourite self-care activity!

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8 thoughts on “Spring Self-Care Tips”

  1. Excellent post. I agree that it is important to take care of both your physical and mental health.
    Both are important!

  2. I love all of these–especially that you put “clean and declutter” first. I think that it is so satisfying to do something with immediate results. It’s the mindset that it creates for the day when you put in work and get instant gratification. Plus, it is a great abundance thing! Thanks for sharing!

  3. These are great tips! I particularly have started drinking more water recently, as the weather has warmed up so I definitely need it. The body weight you mention, I suppose, is in pounds, not kg. I mean, my fitness app recommends I drink 75 ounces of water a day, while I’m 70kg or 154lbs.

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